This new Digimon game uses some of the play style as PRACG. So far we know Digimon uses a "Training Area" too and its looking like their fusion step is the same as ACG's Extra Summon Step.
For us ACG it's going to be very easy to learn how to play Digimon Fusion if they are that similar.
The game seems fast paced, you only need to obtain 5 code crowns to win the game. In Power Rangers you only have about 5 turns and then someone who took damage is going to deck out.
Digivolution doesn't seem to exist in this game and the cards neither list what level the Digimon are at like Rookie, Champion.
Cards are just 'x' character and pay their cost, it can be a mega Digimon and there is nothing special about them you just pay their cost and don't have to work your way up from Rookie level.
A Rookie shouldn't be able to beat a Mega or even last more then 5 seconds in a fight against one. This game is really being Power Rangers with that one problem we have where Rangers can beat a Megazord and even have more MAX Powers then a Megazord.
Digimon cards are separated into army teams of who they belong to in the show. Bagra Army cards.. Shoutmon team... seto Kaiba boy and the stalker girl's team.. whatever. Some cards counter other cards from certain teams. It looks like a fun idea to have strengths and weaknesses depending on what teams they are because that opens up a whole new area you can target and build your deck around BUT really these armies are going to run out of characters eventually and you're only going to have Bagra Army and Shoutmon cards...... that stalker girl has like 3 Digimon total, we've seen all the Japanese episodes, she doesn't get anything new in her team. No way are they going to add her manga counterpart Digimon where she goes nude and fusions with Moon=Milleniummon
This army vs army archetype is going to run out fast for some of these armies, build these decks revolving around the blue army seto Kaiba while they're hot and still relevant.
I don't know how to play Digimon besides the few teases of the rules shown daily. It looks like a game worth trying. They're your favorite characters, you already know how to play if you have played Power Rangers ACG so might as well give it a try really if you like Digimon at all. The game looks x1000 better then the previous Digimon games, the one thats rock paper scissors and the yugioh rip off one. I'm not going to say its better then Digi-battle because that's one of my favorite games.
Here's what we know about the game so far.
products. 2 different starter decks with 40 cards each called 'new world'. series 1 booster pack with 60 cards to collect.
Rarities go by common where there is no marking on the card.
Rare = R
Super Rare = SR
Ultra Rare = U ....there are a lot of ultras and only 60 cards in the'll have a bunch of useless commons after you buy a box for sure.......
4 types of cards:
Digimon - duh battle with these. Boost? seems like vanguard or it might be their assist value like ACG.
Fusion cards - it seems like these go into your regular deck, specially if they turn out to be like megazords.
Digimemories - these cards with really cheap effects look like digimon but have no stats, no boost no attack points themselves. Hopefully you'll only use 1 per game. On the show they are restricted to one time use in each zone. For Agumon to say discard all training area ...woah! in comparison to PRACG that effect is broken. 1 per game please.
Code Crown - field spells kind of and certain cards can only activate their effects while the code card out on the field matches....ex.. Magma Zone activation cost and you're fighting in the Magma Zone code card.
Heres some of the rules info teased so far.
- costs have to be paid to summon a Digimon.
Let's take a look at the fiery Red Meramon whose effect is active while the Code Crown both players are battling for is from the Magma Zone. Win 5 Code Crowns and you win the game!" this is when we learned code crowns exist and that Meramon is now even though his color is orange...and that his "Magma Zone" effect timing can only activate with the magma zone code crown in play.
Cost needs to be paid to summon and boost Digimon. To pay for the cost of a card, move the designated number of cards from your hand and/or Training Area to your Discard Area. For this Greymon, its cost is 1. "With the Greymon humping a rock preview we're told once again that Digimon have costs but theres more. Boost isn't free it has a cost too. wow! a little different from rangers there where the assists are free. Interesting.
The Set Phase is 1 of 8 Phases in the Digimon Fusion CCG. Game Flow consist of Gate, Draw, Set, Summon, Fusion, Boost, Battle, & End Phases."Monitamon's timing is 'set' so in this preview they showed all 8 phases of the game. More and more this game is looking like ACG because set looks like summon step, fusion looks like Extra Summon Step, boost looks like Assist, battle looks like showdown, end phase is duh but also in Rangers you need to do a settlement to move the loser to the Training Area and resolve some [win][lose] removal effects.
In the GATE Phase, the priority player moves the top card of their Code Crown deck to the [Active] Code Crown Area. The winner of the Battle moves this to their Won Code Crown Area! Win 5 to win the game!"the first code crown! some um.. hot spring labeled as belonging in the Magma Zone. pretty random..I thought they'd use their best representation of the Magma Zone so if the picture is stupid like this you bet theres gonna be a ton of different options for each zone :D and you pick the best that suits you as your Magma Zone.
So also code crowns are in their own deck! how many, we don't know yet but thats even more awesome you don't have to draw them out or make room for them in your regular deck.
It's Fusion Time! During the Fusion Phase, each player may perform a fusion by paying the Fusion cost of that Digimon. You can only perform a fusion if the Digimon you are fusing into has the same team as the Digimon in your Battle Area.":/ shoutmon x2 card. It doesn't list fusion requirements as I thought the Metalgreymon fusion did because that one is labeled as "Metalgreymon + cyber rancher". cyber rancher uh thats not even a 'mon.
So fusions are looking like megazords, they don't need the rightful digimon...come on Shoutmon doesnt even need Shoutmon to Digivolve to it could have been the one only card to require shoutmon, all the other fusions make em generic. Its shoutmon... you shouldn't be able to make this with Cutemon + Dorulumon.
There are some symbols on the top of the fusions it seems it goes from 1-3 symbols shown. We don't know what those are yet, maybe its a timer like they can only stay in play fused for 1 turn and then the fusion wears off.
I've listed all we know from this game. Check out Digimon Fusion CCG's official facebook page and LIKE them!!!!!!!!!
heres another really kool page where you'll see cards not shown by Digimon page check em out. I would have liked to talk about that Greymon card or a Digimemory if they were posted on the official facebook page and ask questions about them there. Greymon looks OP and Daipenmon is the strongest card shown so far.
Buy these cards, the set is so short you'll complete it in no time and the decks are only $10
January 18th is the release date...ah the wait is killing me cause this game looks so fun. I'm so happy this game doesn't have dice like ACG, how many times have I gone to battle someone with ACG and forgot the dice cause they don't fit in the deck box. hah. buy this game ACG players please.