We have our set 1 era we'll always remember in the Digimon Fusion Collectible Card Game. With the promo cards altering the game just a little bit keeping things new before set 2 arrives. But we also have a set 1 era with the Toy cards! These toy cards have incredible effects who's strategies are sure to change once set 2 comes out. So what is it they can do right now for you?
What kind of decks are they good for and what combos can they make?
Both players draw a card.
Island zone decks! Island has no good draw cards like Lilymon who gives 2 it more draw power if you're playing in the Green Zone. What island needs is more draw cards to use up as much Chibitortomon as you can for boosting. The cost of 1 adds up quickly and makes it hard to play more then 1 turtle.
AncientVolcanomon decks!
With its effect saying you can boost as many times as you want this turn, you will definitely want to draw as many cards as you can.
Both players discard a card from their hand of their choice.
Blue Flare discard decks!
Red usually gets to fuse first with its low power. With Shoutmon X4b refilling red's hand, its almost useless for Blue to respond back with discarding a card from Red's hand.
Try this toy card with Cyberdramon! You'll get 2 chances before the fusion phase to get rid of that X4b!
Both players move the top card of their deck to their Training Area.
Oh, how hilarious it would be for you to get so lucky to have this card put into your Training Area without even having to lose. If you have been winning all the previous turns, and this card comes to you for free.
That's game.
For players that want to use Red and Blue fusions in the same deck, it can get tough playing for the 2 specific symbols in the DF cost out of just the 5 cards you draw. This free card in the Training Area could be one of the symbols you're missing for your fusion if you didn't draw it. Give this Toy card a try!
Both players may move a card from their Discard Area to their hand.
This toy card is crazy. You can do whatever you want. Grab the perfect boost, grab cards to double boost, double draw. How nice would it be to have Beelzemon in your hand every turn.
Only have 1 copy of a SR because you're not rich, no problem, you now have unlimited copies of it with this effect. Play all the SR in your deck for that matter. Play 30 different cards in your deck!
It could also turn into a wild west style duel if you both grab a Leviamon. Who'll activate theirs first, someones going down thats for sure.
Island Zone is a great zone but it has no draw power!
Getting any card you want, I'd pick Chibitortomon and always have a double boost.
We might do a toy card tournament in the group soon but TCO has a lock on it that allows only 35 cards in your deck. I'll have to get the admin on TCO to change this or draw a random toy card effect to be used during that match.
haha what if you draw the TC that says grab any card from your discard area, would you be happy?
These cards are found in tons of the Digimon Fusion action figures and Digi fusion loaders.
The art on the cards is really good looking and if you're buying the chibi action figures, those are equally as awesome looking.
Who are the fans of the toy cards? Join us in the Digimon Fusion CCG group!