Thursday, February 13, 2014

Digimon Fusion Collectible Card Game - Getting started with the Greymon starter deck

Buying a starter deck is a little confusing, it only comes with 30 cards, when the game is played with 35 cards!
You do get a booster pack to customize the deck, so lets take a look a some booster pack cards you can add to power up this deck!

The starter is focused on Blue Flare and Bagra Army cards, here's some cards that are easy to get in packs that I recommend.

Mailbirdramon - The starter deck does not come with any 0 cost Blue Flare cards! You'll need this card as your fusion material when you're not getting cost reduction from Bottom of a Lake, like on the turn your opponent has priority.
Golemon is the only other 0 cost Blue Flare card. You can start the turn with him or use him any time during the turn to draw into a Fusion or boost card you might need.

These are much cheaper summons then the ones found in the starter.
Play these for free while in your Lake zone, grab their effect for free and fuse them away into something stronger!

If you like draw power, here's more! Your Commander Room code crown is Magma Zone, you'll be able to use Frigimon's ability to its fullest.
The deck already has cost reduction cards, but if you do not want to buy another starter to get more cost reduction, Troopmon can easily be found in booster packs.

Team Midnight? This deck does not come with any Digimemories at all! You'll have unused cards in your hand, you might as well use up the extra cards in  your hand to mess with your opponent!

1200 power!
One of the code crowns in your deck is Green Zone! Play this Madleomon using Mammothmon or Golemon to pay the cost and you'll have a huge hand for boosting on this turn.
Metal Greymon might not be for everyone, the restriction of not being able to boost looks like you've put yourself into a corner.  ..yeah, nevermind, don't use this card. The Metal Greymon you already get in the starter deck summons for the same fusion cost of just 1, has 1200 Power and can boost.

This card is for summoning your bigger fusions with costs of 2+
This is Blue Flare's only cost reduction Digimon, it can pay the entire cost of summoning your Cyber Rancher when you're not on home turf, the Lake zone.
The 2 cost might be a little heavy but you can dig through your deck with discarding one or 2 of the draw engine cards if you did not have a fusion in your hand so it might be a good thing the summon cost is high.

Agumon digivolve to,... Greymon!
He's part of your Digivolution line, you can't forget Agumon! Every deck needs one of these to destroy your opponent's cards who just lost last turn, don't let them get Training Area advantage, you won last turn, this is your game you call the shots, losers get nothing for losing, take their Training Area cards away!
Why does Frigimon the snowball get powered up in a zone for heat loving Digimon?
The world may never know. But use it to your advantage! This card will be there for you just like your Lake zone. If you're going up against Fusion Fighter decks, they tend to play 0 cost cards out first to set them up as fusion material and scout you out. It doesn't really sound like your opponents will get benefits from this card if they're playing 0 cost cards. Many of your code crowns already help out Bagra decks its up to you if you want to help enemy Bagra with cost reduction or give them +100 power with Commander Room.

What about BOOSTS?
This deck is lacking in boost cards. But every deck has to make the tough decisions of picking Shoutmon x2 for its 800 boost, Angemon for 800 boost and a chance boost non red cards for cheap, or Archelomon but he's only 400 boost. Chibitortomon is a good boost card, 1 cost for 500 boost.
Your guess is as good as mine on what to boost with, they all come with big risks.
Hang in there until Lord Bagra promo comes out. Get your local stores to order the OP kit!
2 copies of this card come in the deck. Its 400 boost for free when you're in your Lake zone.

This is the deck list. Its only 30 cards.
[2] S2-019 Greymon
[2] S2-020 Greymon
[2] S2-021 Mailbirdramon
[2] S2-022 Mailbirdramon
[2] S2-023 Metal Greymon
[2] S2-024 Metal Greymon
S2-025 Metal Greymon + Cyber Launcher
[2] S2-026 Cyberdramon
S2-027 Madleomon
[2] S2-028 Tactimon
[2] S2-029 Blastmon
[2] S2-030 Blastmon
S2-031 Mammothmon
S2-032 Red Meramon
S2-033 Blue Meramon
S2-034 Giant Bamboo Shoot
[2] S2-035 Commander Room
[2] S2-036 Bottom of a Lake

- 1 Red Meramon
-1 Blue Meramon
-1 Commander Room
-2 Greymon S2-019
-2 Greymon S2-020
-1 Mailbirdramon S2-021 (he has an ok boost for now)
-2 Cyberdramon S2-026
-1 Tactimon S2-028 (this card is for plan on losing this much?)

Removing 11 cards..
Adding 16 cards.

+1 Hot Springs
+3 Golemon
+2 Greymon B1-017
+1 Cyberdramon
+3 Frigimon
+1 Mailbirdramon B1-024
+1 Monitamon
+1 Agumon B1-053
+1 Madleomon
+2 boost...lets say.. Shoutmon x2 B1-005 its 800 boost for 2 cost.

Have fun! If you get any rare Blue Flare cards in your booster pack, add them in!
Except this guy, what's his problem.

Join the Digimon Fusion Collectible Card Game facebook group!

And thanks for Ranger Crew having an awesome card list.

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