Sunday, March 23, 2014

Digimon Fusion CCG - Toy Cards!

 We have our set 1 era we'll always remember in the Digimon Fusion Collectible Card Game. With the promo cards altering the game just a little bit keeping things new before set 2 arrives. But we also have a set 1 era with the Toy cards! These toy cards have incredible effects who's strategies are sure to change once set 2 comes out. So what is it they can do right now for you?
What kind of decks are they good for and what combos can they make?

^ the Toy cards sound a little confusing saying to flip one face up at the start of the turn. The Code Crown is also flipped at the start of the turn. However, the answer from Bandai is you set the Code Crown first, draw your cards, and then play the Toy card before the Set Phase.

Both players draw a card.

Island zone decks!  Island has no good draw cards like Lilymon who gives 2 it more draw power if you're playing in the Green Zone. What island needs is more draw cards to use up as much Chibitortomon as you can for boosting. The cost of 1 adds up quickly and makes it hard to play more then 1 turtle.

AncientVolcanomon decks!
With its effect saying you can boost as many times as you want this turn, you will definitely want to draw as many cards as you can.

Both players discard a card from their hand of their choice.

Blue Flare discard decks!
Red usually gets to fuse first with its low power. With Shoutmon X4b refilling red's hand, its almost useless for Blue to respond back with discarding a card from Red's hand.
Try this toy card with Cyberdramon! You'll get 2 chances before the fusion phase to get rid of that X4b!

Both players move the top card of their deck to their Training Area.

Oh, how hilarious it would be for you to get so lucky to have this card put into your Training Area without even having to lose. If you have been winning all the previous turns, and this card comes to you for free.
That's game.

For players that want to use Red and Blue fusions in the same deck, it can get tough playing for the 2 specific symbols in the DF cost out of just the 5 cards you draw. This free card in the Training Area could be one of the symbols you're missing for your fusion if you didn't draw it. Give this Toy card a try!

Both players may move a card from their Discard Area to their hand.

This toy card is crazy. You can do whatever you want. Grab the perfect boost, grab cards to double boost, double draw. How nice would it be to have Beelzemon in your hand every turn.
Only have 1 copy of a SR because you're not rich, no problem, you now have unlimited copies of it with this effect. Play all the SR in your deck for that matter. Play 30 different cards in your deck!

It could also turn into a wild west style duel if you both grab a Leviamon. Who'll activate theirs first, someones going down thats for sure.

Island Zone is a great zone but it has no draw power!
Getting any card you want, I'd pick Chibitortomon and always have a double boost.

Toy cards are not talked about very often but a little reminder is they are not legal for use in Digi Duel days.

We might do a toy card tournament in the group soon but TCO has a lock on it that allows only 35 cards in your deck. I'll have to get the admin on TCO to change this or draw a random toy card effect to be used during that match.
haha what if you draw the TC that says grab any card from your discard area, would you be happy?

These cards are found in tons of the Digimon Fusion action figures and Digi fusion loaders.
The art on the cards is really good looking and if you're buying the chibi action figures, those are equally as awesome looking.

Who are the fans of the toy cards? Join us in the Digimon Fusion CCG group!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Digimon Fusion CCG - All about boosting!

What's the purpose of boosting? To increase your power and put you in the winning position of course!
Each Digimon has its Power on the bottom of the card in the blue area. Alone, this Digimon (Shoutmon) fights for only 200 Power. If one of his comrades were to help him out in battle, you can add the other Digimon's Boost value (300) to have an even stronger total power of 500!
Pay the card cost(the number at the top of a card) of the card you are boosting with and turn the card side ways, under the battling Digimon and with the Power and Boost value of the two cards showing together.
The rulebook should have a photo of how the two cards should be stacked together.
Haha yeah 500 is weak, but now you get how boosts work.

Shoutmon is a decent boost card. For 0 cost,  it gives 300 boost. Unlike other cards that might clutter your hand and only give 100 or even 0 boost such as fusions, Shoutmon gives a pretty good boost value for free.
Free is a big thing in this game when you've used up your hand playing a big Digimon or fusing, even defending yourself with a Digimemory. How much more hand can you afford to be paying for to boost? Thats where free comes in. Shoutmon isn't the strongest of boosters but it sure makes decisions easy on how you're gonna use your hand this turn.

Free is good. But what's this, these boost for an even stronger, 400 power!
If you are willing to play in these specific zones, you've earned a free 400 boost.
Shoutmon can work for any kind of deck, and some 0 cost cards have nice boost values, you'll see 300 boost on things like Monitamon which is another 0 cost card. If you have the 0 cost 300 boosters thats ok but there are better things.

Take a look at this Ballistamon! If you are playing many Fusion Fighters you can get 400 boost for 0 cost!
Again, Shoutmon's 300 boost is nice but those 300s aren't really built for boosting such as these cards are. Try focusing your boosts more on these cards and save the 300 ones as a last resort.

Ballistamon is a great card for playing a 0 cost boost and not having to give up your Code Crown as a specific zone just to not pay the boost costs.

For now this is the only boost themed card the Blue Flare team gets. It seems like a 1 cost card for 400 but while playing in the Lake Zone code crown blue has, it becomes a 0 cost 400 boost.
Almost very similar to the above Ballistamon card.

This little trickster.
The boost value is decent. The thing is, its effect is so scary, your opponent might just let you win the battle this turn so Archelomon doesn't end up in the Training Area. haha
This is a great boost card for any deck and great for early and mid game where you can afford to take a loss and send this guy to the Training Area.

Play these on their best friend Digimon and you'll get a boost even stronger then all the above cards for 0 cost! A few things to mention about the Starmons card, the name has been issued an errata to now be called Starmon & Pickmonz, which doesn't really matter. But what does matter is the effect because you should know, this card does work on all Shoutmon fusion cards too! All the Shoutmon + Starsword cards and Shoutmon X2,3,4  they all have Shoutmon in their names.

Boost while this Code Crown is active and you'll be majorly rewarded.
Now, what else can this Island do..
You get +100 power every time you boost this turn but how do you boost more then once?
Turtle power!
These two are a perfect combo. 600 boost for 1 cost and you still get to boost again!

 Both the turtle and this Dorulucannon can trigger a double boost effect when they are used as the boost card but also while either is the Digimon in the battle area. Use them however you like and form your own double boosting strategies.
Beastmon's Castle is the perfect combination for the Dorulucannon. In the anime, this is not the location where the Dorulu fusion was used but hey it works and makes those Dorulucannons free for boosting!
Beastmon's castle changes everything you know about boosting. Now all the 1 cost cards become free and so much easier to play.

Suddenly this 1 cost Shoutmon becomes a
 0 cost powerful 700 booster! what?!

Breaking out the biggest strongest boosters we have out right now.
Through their effects, they can both become a 1 cost for 800 boost.
Right now many Bagra army decks can make use of Angemon because red sure isn't going to use it when they can already get an 800 boost for a guaranteed 1 cost.
Red has 2 800 boost cards in a way.

These 800 boost cards are no joke, your Digimon will easily go into the 2000s in power on the turn you play these.

Cost reduction on your boosts is nice but don't forget if you reduce your costs too much, you won't be able to discard awesome cards like this who might get you some more Digimemories in your hand to keep on countering what your opponent throws at you.

Starmon!(& Pickmonz) !
This card is great in any deck. You can even fake the double boost, confuse your opponent!
A funny way to counter this card is if your opponent played this and is going to out boost you, play Leviamon on them as soon as they play this card. and.. thats all they'll be stuck with is a 300 boost.
Greed. ah nice

Training Area
If you're gonna lose this round and still have cards in your hand you might consider boosting just cause! Then you'll have more cards going into your Training Area and it'll be even easier to play the more expensive boost cards next turn.

This card.... ah.. 
Its not out yet :'D
enjoy the game while you can... in about 1 more week, this monster will be in everyone's decks.
So much rage quit. So much 2500 power as the norm in battles.
Don't quit the game when this card comes out. Your opponent will have to play Bagra. Just add some MarineAngemon to your deck , actually both MarineAngemon work.
One will drop your opponent's strong Bagra cards to 0 power, the other will just make this Bagra boost go away. Get creative and if people are paying $100 or whatever to have playsets of these, make em mad with MarineAngemon.

1000 boost is not that scary. Red already gets about 900 boost if they're playing in the Whalemon code crown. And if a Starmonz double booster was played, your opponent can play a 800 boost on top of that for pretty much 1100 boost. Thats even better then this Bagra card. Lord Bagra isn't that broken.
Stay strong. Let me know your favorite way to deal with this card when it comes out.

Remember to follow the official Digimon Fusion Collectible Card Game facebook page at

and join us in the fan group

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Digimon Fusion Collectible Card Game - Name Errata?!

Digimon Fusion CCG master FAQ not only had rulings answered, it also had some name changes in it!

Check out the FAQ, you might even learn new strategies reading through it.

The name errata and MarineAngemon's text clarification make me think they'll be reprinted someday :)

No idea why they chose its wings as its best feature to name it after, they're all beaten up with holes all over them. How about Iceclawmon Icehornmon or here's a thought, IceDevimon.
phew,..  this card's name now has errata to be called IceDevimon. It applies to the effect of Daipenmon too.

What's so special about this card?
A normal Madleomon doesn't have a chainsaw on its arm or all that other metal on him. This here is a MadLeomon (Armed Mode) 
Its sort of a fusion but why isn't it a fusion on this card.

All Starmons cards are now known as Starmon & Pickmonz
It was that yellow Pickmon who complained about the name, just look at his face, he's pissedz.

These 2 Digimon are very similiar, I don't blame them for getting the two confused. 
The card is called AncientVolcanomon now.
Its a good card, I would like to see someone make a good deck out of it.

On a real copy of this card, the word 'your' is missing xD

That's all for the errata, now for some dumb cards that are still not fixed.

Its orange... where do you see the red.. bandai.
Just cause theres a BlueMeramon, doesn't mean this one has to have a color name on it too. The other meramon, BlueMeramon is an ultimate level, making this card be Red Meramon makes it sound like they're same level counterparts of each other and makes it seem Skull Meramon is the Digivolution of both.

Heart of the freakin cards 
Someone hasn't been reading enough Yugioh manga if they don't know how pharaoh is spelled.

Once I've been to a few more tournaments I will write about how organized play is going and what kind of decks I've been playing there.
That's all for now, join the Digimon Fusion CCG group on facebook