Thursday, March 6, 2014

Digimon Fusion Collectible Card Game - Name Errata?!

Digimon Fusion CCG master FAQ not only had rulings answered, it also had some name changes in it!

Check out the FAQ, you might even learn new strategies reading through it.

The name errata and MarineAngemon's text clarification make me think they'll be reprinted someday :)

No idea why they chose its wings as its best feature to name it after, they're all beaten up with holes all over them. How about Iceclawmon Icehornmon or here's a thought, IceDevimon.
phew,..  this card's name now has errata to be called IceDevimon. It applies to the effect of Daipenmon too.

What's so special about this card?
A normal Madleomon doesn't have a chainsaw on its arm or all that other metal on him. This here is a MadLeomon (Armed Mode) 
Its sort of a fusion but why isn't it a fusion on this card.

All Starmons cards are now known as Starmon & Pickmonz
It was that yellow Pickmon who complained about the name, just look at his face, he's pissedz.

These 2 Digimon are very similiar, I don't blame them for getting the two confused. 
The card is called AncientVolcanomon now.
Its a good card, I would like to see someone make a good deck out of it.

On a real copy of this card, the word 'your' is missing xD

That's all for the errata, now for some dumb cards that are still not fixed.

Its orange... where do you see the red.. bandai.
Just cause theres a BlueMeramon, doesn't mean this one has to have a color name on it too. The other meramon, BlueMeramon is an ultimate level, making this card be Red Meramon makes it sound like they're same level counterparts of each other and makes it seem Skull Meramon is the Digivolution of both.

Heart of the freakin cards 
Someone hasn't been reading enough Yugioh manga if they don't know how pharaoh is spelled.

Once I've been to a few more tournaments I will write about how organized play is going and what kind of decks I've been playing there.
That's all for now, join the Digimon Fusion CCG group on facebook

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