Thursday, February 5, 2015

Guardians of the Earth, United we ROAR!

The Wild Force cards were so underrated and forgotten until now. Set 5's Team card grants the warriors of Animarium the power needed to defend nature.
Wild Access!
Forgotten kingdom of Animarium Deck
 Team card - Wild Force Power Rangers 5-059
x3 Red Wild Force Ranger 3-057
x3 Blue Wild Force Ranger 3-058
x3 Yellow Wild Force Ranger 3-060
x3 White Wild Force Ranger 3-061
x2 Lunar Wolf Ranger 3-062
x1 Lunar Wolf Ranger 4-069
x2 Red Wild Force Ranger 4-064
x1 Wild Force Power Rangers 4-070
x2 Wild Force Megazord 4-071
x2 Blue Wild Force Ranger & Yellow Lightspeed Ranger 4-072
Red Wild Force Ranger 5-054
Blue Wild Force Ranger 5-055
Black Wild Force Ranger 5-056
x2 Yellow Wild Force Ranger 5-057
x2 White Wild Force Ranger 5-058
x1 Red Wild Force Ranger P-070
Blazing Lion!                                                                Iron Bison!

Surging Shark!
Soaring Eagle!                                                      Noble Tiger!

If the top card of your deck is Wild Force, give these cards +1 damage. A 0 cost card doing 2 damage?!  Having a pure dedicated Wild Force deck would guarantee the damage increase but the secondary effect of drawing the correct color is very unreliable. These guys have something to learn about working together, rather than just focusing a deck on one specific color
but when you can pull it off, the power of nature is unleashed and victory will be  close at hand.
During set 3 and 4, these cards were realy unusable, no one in their right mind would play a Wild Force deck.
Take a look at the Team Card below  from set 5, all of Wild Force's problems of working together with so many colors were solved.
 With this card, the warriors of Animarium could work together and fight at full power.
The idea is, rather than taking a chance that the top card of your deck would have the exact color you're looking for, you would instead guarantee that card would have both 'Wild Force' and the correct color. You would want to play the above Rangers from set 3 when you have 2 copies of the same color Ranger in your hand, and send one to the top of the deck.
I'm not sure why you would want to draw the card and reduce your deck size, it could help pay for the cost for the Wild Force Megazord  but that is the only Zord or Megazord card these guys have. Drawing is unnessesary if you're not using high cost cards.
Here you have a card that'll support the Surging Shark and Soaring Eagle, giving you such a good reason to play all the Wild Force colors. This card has 2 MAX, you have a 1 in 3 chances of rolling for MAX. Levels 2 and 3 are pretty terrible. The perfect timing to activate your [Assist] effect would be when you're on levels 4 and 5. The card you're sending from your hand to the Training Area could be immediately used to Assist with. Landing on level 5 is like rolling on MAX.
But it works best with the set 5 Blue and Yellow Rangers and their Assist value of 2 which will make your level 4 be like a MAX.
 Remember, the Unite symbol would make this only a 1 cost card if you discard any Blue Wild Force Ranger card.
Now we have a theme going of low cost cards dealing big damage if you can get them to MAX.
Now a low cost card at all... but if you've been playing nothing but low cost cards, you can definitely afford to play this card. As all full team cards, this card is pretty much a guaranteed win but the 3 damage is very low. You'll have to make up for the low damage with the [Played] effect, if you don't have many Support, Zord or Megazord cards in the deck. However if you're playing the Team card, you'll only be able to have one none-Ranger card which is the Wild Force Megazord.
This card will easily deal 6 damage in a Wild Force only deck.
Fill the deck with all the Ranger colors, they might be a little bit of fillers, but when you're able to play this card for it's full effect it would be worth it having a few boring set 3 Rangers or colors you might not want to use like Black and White Rangers who have no support other than themselves.
 The 2 cost Lunar Wolf was such a deck staple in the days before Team cards. How lucky you are to still be able to play this card while using a Team card. Idealy, you want this card in your hand on the first turn. Both cards revealed would be high cost cards with high Damage values to give you a really big card in the Training Area and possibly let you deal 4 damage on turn one while your opponent still can't defend themselves with their own Training Area cards yet.
3 cost Lunar Wolf Ranger is still having you scry a bit like all the other cards do but this time its of your opponent's deck. Check their decks for any [Damage] timing cards and obviously send them away so they don't activate.  You don't want Robo Knight to prevent all damage when you just lost 4 cards from your hand this turn playing this Ranger. 
There is no need to play such a high cost cards against decks that don't really use [Damage] cards. Samurai, Megaforce and Operation Overdrive decks are what you'll want to use this card against.
All 4 cost and lower cards would be at 0 power if you reveal all 5 as non-Ranger cards.
This could take down cards with multiple MAX, or if your opponent has a huge Training Area they've been planning on making a comeback with, it will be so wrong and so funny when you make their Training Area useless to assist with.
Does this make you want to play Wild Force now?
Enhanced cards would not be at 0  but also they wouldn't do much damage back at you if they do best you by going to MAX. Be careful of RED decks because a Shark Mode would  sneak onto the field when you think you've won and hit you for 6 damage with the Scissors symbol. Shark would however not be a problem with the new White Ranger card.....if you keep reading. Which once again proves it is good to run all the colors of the Rangers.

Rock Paper Scissors? Nothing too interesting here. If you're up against a bad match up, hide from their threatening RPS symbol to not take as much damage. Changing your own symbol to deal Bonus Damage is not so impressive, as you already have a 1 in 3 chance of doing that just by luck of what your opponent plays down. Any 2 cost card could do that and deal 4 damage.
But, use it to your advantage if yiu have to, and if you're willing to use up Training Area cards if you need to go to MAX. The real usefulness of these guys is being an extra matching color for your Team card combos and for the Unite card.
Yellow almost guanteeing a win if you have a card in the Training Area could scare your opponent into not playing Megazords this turn.
White Ranger is for the most experienced of players. Don't like surprises? Good, eliminate them. Your opponent will think twice of playing any cards in the Extra Summon or Enhance cards.
Hey Shark Mode players, this card is a Scissors symbol and weak, you want a bite?
Take 3 damage!!
 All these set 5 Rangers require damage to have been dealt. You'll be losing pretty often since Wild Force has no Enhance or sneaky [Hand] timing cards.  Even if you lose, this Red would set up the effects for the use of set 5 Rangers next turn.
Play the Red, next turn play White, put the Megazord on top, and its a very effective finisher combo.
This is one of the first cards ever released and it came with several other Red Ranger cards.
It is very much made for a Red Ranger deck in the true spirit of Forever Red.
If you have a Red in the Training Area, this works similar to Yellow Ranger of getting to MAX a little easier and you would not have to use an assist card if you land on your MAX levels and with the Yellow Ranger, you do.
4 damage for 4 cost is cheaper than playing the full team Ranger card.
Be careful of playing this when you only have cards in your Training Area with even numbers on their Assist value or cards with too high of an assist value because if you go over level 5, any 0 cost card or Enhance can get to MAX and take you out.

For the more Red centered decks that don't want to use the Team card.
Cole is Deker in a way. He has a few Samurai tricks.
Burn through your deck quickly with the set 3 and 4 Red Rangers that let you draw more cards so you can quickly draw all your Shark Modes. Set 4 Red Wild Force will deal 1 damage when summoned, you'll deal 3 more easily with Shark Mode, quickly ending the match if you draw all your Sharks.  Adding [Hand] Ninja Storm Rangers in the mix would always allow you to deal Bonus Damage.


The Red Wild Force Ranger was part of the epic team up of all the past Rangers.
These cards work extremely well with the other Cole cards and opens up new strategies with all the other Rangers featured in Forever Red.

I give you the Burning Lion Forever Red Deck
x3 Red Wild Force Ranger 3-057
x3 Red Wild Force Ranger 4-068
x3 Red Wild Force Ranger 5-054
x3 Red Wild Force Ranger P-070
x3 Forever Red Rangers P-190
x1 Forever Red Rangers P-191
x2 Red Alien Ranger 4-105
x1 Red Alien Ranger & Red Zeo Ranger 4-104
x1 Red Mighty Morphin Ranger 4-110
x1 Red Galaxy Ranger 2-104
x1 Red Galaxy Ranger 5-065
x1 Armored Red Galaxy Ranger 5-066
x1 Red Space & Red Galaxy Ranger 4-085
x1 Red Space Ranger 2-067
x1 Red Time Force Ranger 4-073
x1 Red Lightspeed Rescue Ranger 2-044
x3 Red Samurai Ranger (Shark Attack Mode) 1-086
 Cycle through the deck quickly with Red Wild Force cards to obtain your stronger Reds.
With half the deck being RED and 'Wild', many cards will be going into your hand.
For the turn you cannot Enhance into multiple MAX levels, you can team up with some Unite cards or play the Red Mighty Morphin card for free.
Dedicated to Ricardo Medina Jr
Stay strong through these tough times.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Digimon Fusion cards that could be playable in ACG

We're taking a look at some Digimon Fusion CCG cards with effects that would actualy make sense and be playable in the ACG.
Draw power!
Mystic Force is all about drawing. Slap these effects onto Mystic Force characters we didn't get yet, and you'd easily have new playable cards.
Summon - Draw 1 card. :  Digimon has many cards that draw more cards when they're summoned. Dumping your entire hand to draw 5 cards with Blastmon, draw 3 when fusing into Shoutmon X4B. Drawing TOO many cards in ACG is a bad thing. In Digimon when you deck out, you just flip the discard area cards to make a new deck, in Rangers, you lose.
Drawing just 1 card in ACG however is ok. Basic Mystic Force Rangers discard 1 card in and to draw 2  when summoned, its no big deal, you don't deck out.   The idea for Mailbirdramon's effect would be paying a cost of 1 to summon it, discarding one through the cost to possibly set something up in your discard area, and just stopping at 1 draw if you think drawing 2 is too many, you'd use this card instead.
Dondokomon draws 1 card when he's used as payment for a cost. This card can be in any deck basically making any card cost -1 if you're willing to reduce your deck size by just 1 manditory draw. It would make an absolutely fair card in the ACG. As a support card, we'd have support cards in every single deck out there and someone like Captain Mitchell from Lightspeed Rescue could get a chance to be on a card. Although drawing is a Mystic Force thing, I don't know any characters from that show be mention instead haha.

Not assisting this turn? You won't have to!
THIS Shoutmon X3 is one of the worst cards in the Digimon Game. For 2 cost, you get 1300 power and your opponent will easily drop you back to 1000 power. When instead you could just playthe Shoutmon X4 promo for 1 cost and 1400 power. Boosting in Digimon happens every turn because your hand is REFILLED at the start of every turn, you do not just draw a few cards in ACG where every card in your hand is critical to save up to be able to pay for stronger cards, OR you won't just waste your hard earned Training Area cards to be assisting(boost) every turn.
As a Megazord in the ACG this Shoutmon's effect would make your opponent waste their training area so fast to stop you. While you'd just say they played right into your trap because next turn you're summoning something that does 5 damage and they won't be able to best you at assist wars when it comes into battle.
Greymon is if you're being a cheapskate not assisting, you still might win with having higher power value. Take a chance on it, your opponent might have to assist to MAX just to beat you. Once more falling right into your trap of getting rid of their Training Area.
How about we get some GoBusters to have these kind of tricky effects? Or villains.
Speaking of Villains, have Beelzemon be another villain-hating Robo Knight card and Villains wouldn't be able to assist that turn. Remember though, Beelzemon has really weak power, in ACG he'd have to be weak to be fair. Could even be a [Played] effect to last the whole turn and you'd play a Zord.  Villains would still have their Evil ability symbol.
Assist Combos?!
We have the Ally symbol  but Daipenmon would boost the actual power value, not the level if you assist with the right character. Power value could be 1,000,000 and a card at MAX would still win. Altering power value by just a little bit won't break the game or become a staple but can be just a fun card that leads to ideas of more cards that can increase the power values. Gotta start somewhere with ideas!
Ballistamon is and easy Mighty Morphin card. They already love to assist. Ballistamon would offer a unique way of assisting without just going to MAX and getting a cheap boring automatic win.
Ninja Storm got you down?
 Losing cards in hand without getting to use them is pretty unfair. With this, you'll get something too without having to make some complicated yugioh hidden trap card type of response card. This would make a great Villain card since Villains don't have anything really good like Red RPM that sends everything to the Training Area.
Can you say Villain team card?? Yes, the new sideways cards from Keepers of Peace.
Straightforward effect. Let Villains be able to play more than one kool card during the entire game.
If set 4 Lord Zedd gets limited to one for being too cheap, with this team card here, you'd be able to play other cards you hadn't considered before like the 4 cost promo Lord Zedd or Ocotomus, Diabolico could make a comeback to Villain deck lists.
Call the card "Moon Palace" since only MMPR sells. hah
Television Digimon. Who wants a free card in their training area? ACG has many effects that get good depending on the number of cards in your Training Area. This card should be a no brainer for decks of the Training Area strategies. Something else to consider is that TA cards can be used as costs too. Without having to lose a battle to get this card in the TA, you can just send him there to use the TA like a bank, if would rather store your cards there rather than in your hand where it could get targeted. ACG doesn't have many TA destroy cards, Monitamon would be pretty safe there.
I excluded the Digimon set 2 cards that add themselves to the Training Area because they grant crazy second effects and its already crazy being able to just have a free card in the TA.
What did i just say about having cards in the Training Area, its good!
Use up all your cards as cost payment to get to power values that could pass Megazords!
Kill everything that is a puny Ranger? But without being so blunt about it like Thundersaurus?
Thundersaurus is a great card, its what I used to win the ACG championships after all!
Deckergreymon is a little fast on his timing but the boosting power values I talked about, could give your opponent a chance to survive the effect. How about we get some Ranger weapon cards? Being able to respond quickly with a weapon card to boost your stats, Deckergreymon would be a great card but not unbeatable.
Thanks for reading and please comment in the group what you think of my list.
I'll be taking a look at Yugioh cards that could be ACG cards.
Some of these ideas could even be used for our future fan made sets that will continue on the ACG. I look forward to your suggestions on cards I might have missed, cards you think would be broken or just some support on having new ACG cards be made.
Join the group if you don't already know about us.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Digimon Fusion CCG - The Patamon Card

I hate this card. After watching more of the Digimon Fusion episodes now that they're on Netflix, I see when they used this card in the show, all it did was make clouds for the brats to walk on. It was not directed at attacking an enemy Digimon, all it did was make stairs.
Which our game it focuses strictly on Digimon Fusion. Why the hell does this card attack Digimon?  I don't like this card because its too similar to Impmon and cost 1 card to discard, while Impmon is free.
Patamon can't stop summons that come later in the turn such as all the additional summon effects off the new Shoutmon fusions we have because SUMMON step has already passed. Impmon lasts for the entire turn.

I've said it before what a lazy card just copying Impmon's effect.

For 1 cost card and sticking true to its stairs making effect from the show it could have put you above the competition and given you priority for the turn when you didn't have it.  Then you could have more reason to play this card if you want to get into Patamon wars with your opponent to steal priority from each other. Everytime someone activates a Patamon they'd also draw a card off of Puppetmon. Now giving you a reason to play Puppetmon too!

I think i will make a card like that myself.
Gaining priority is not broken at this point in the game when you now have auto win cards like Metalgreymon and Garurumon that kill off all the weak things for free and Karatenmon that kills all the strong things.

Thanks for reading. Join the the Digimon Fusion CCG discussion on Facebook at

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Shift into Turbo! Introduction to Turbo style

Turbo is that one series with the movie everyone wants to forget. Its the series where the Rangers were completely defeated by that series' villain. We don't have high expectations for Turbo being the only team to ever lose. Let's see what their cards can do.

The Guys
Pick your poison; each Turbo guy targets a different RPS symbol. The effect is pretty random. If you manage to reveal the correct RPS type from the top of your deck, you do deal 1 damage for free. Whereas the dreaded Samurai from series 1 starter deck do 1 damage but cost 1 to summon.

The Girls
[PLAYED] these go to the top of the deck.... oh.. the guys aren't so random now with the girls' help.
Green Ranger gets screwed over here, there is no PAPER symbol card that goes to the top of the deck.
Looks like Green Turbo Ranger is quite the dead draw. There are only 11 Turbo cards in the game, we just found out that Adam is a dead draw, why continue - just use 3 copies of all the other remaining Turbo cards lol. Well the girls set up a play where the guys always deal 1 damage upon summon. The wording of the girls summoning out the guys does mean you have to pay the cost of any card you summon. Obviously, the guys' cost is 0 but if effects were present in play that add to your summon costs like the Dino Thunder cards, you would have to pay 1 cost.
"you may play 1 TURBO Ranger'..
You don't have to play the guys! 
Scout the field with the girls, send them to the top of the deck, and play any other Turbo ranger you desire.
Think about the RPS advantages you can gain here along with summoning something that can deal much more damage than the low cost cards.

Low on deck? Use a Pink Turbo to summon a Yellow, use the Yellow to play another pink. They all go to the top of the deck. Didn't know Turbo could heal did ya?

Great ways to ambush an opponent using the girls to scout first.
Only 2 cost?! You obviously went for RPS advantage. 8 damage for just 2 cost?!
Even without the girls, the effects of these cards target 2/3 of the RPS types, chances are you're going to get +1 damage most of the times you play these.
Talking fractions, there are only 10 main Turbo cards and again we see clone effects with just different RPS types. about 1/3 of the available Turbo cards are just this. One trick ponies pretty much.

Similar to the guys' effects, this card needs set up from the girls to not be so random.
If used correctly, why even roll the dice, you won this turn.
Only 3 damage? hah the 2 cost cards are a little bit better than this at times.

Not many cards are going to do enough damage through effects to set this card off. Mystic Force can do that but still if you activate this card, you are still taking the damage. What good is having a 3 in your Training Area if you take a huge hit.
Use the 2 cost cards to send this card to the Training Area.

Yes this card is a Turbo too!
What does it do? Nothing!
This is one of the weirdest cards in the game as you can lose if you roll a 6.
6 is not a MAX level LOL

If you're not going to play the girls that much, you can try adding more copies of this in your deck just to have more SCISSORS symbol cards to have greater odds of using Red Turbo Ranger's effect.

European/Unreleased cards...

Turbo would have had its first Extra Summon Step card...
Does it matter what it does? Just being able to change your RPS is a great option to have.
Turbo Megazord
[PLAYED][LOSE] You may discard a card at random from your hand or Training Area. Then deal the discarded card's damage to all opponents.
ALSO this card has a SHIELD ability Symbol not shown on the European card.

The girls only let this card deal 1 damage through it's effect. Is that what you want? Could be useful if you are using this effect on it's [LOSE] timing since you already are taking damage. Drawing a 2+ cost card is like conceding.

Phantom Ranger
[ASSIST] You may shuffle your deck. Then you may play the top card of your deck on top of this for 0 cost.
ALSO this card has:
Enhance: Ally Ability Symbol

LOL Turbo have no Ally Symbols. This card is begging to be put into other decks with more variety.
"Shuffle your deck" is a rare thing to see in this game. Previously seen on one Mystic Force card.
Phantom Ranger is obviously for taking your chances at summoning a high cost high damage output card for free. The only thing it shares in common with the other Turbo cards is the effect is pretty random too.
No stacking the deck with the girls or anything else, you have to shuffle the deck. Feeling lucky punk?

If you have the European prints of these cards you can play them as cards with no effects.

Turbo may try to be random with its effects but overall if you're Turbo's opponents you're going to be seeing all their tricks coming from a mile away. Turbo has no real Enhance cards, no cards to stop them from taking damage, no [HAND] timing cards. Everything they do is obvious.
Turbo can hit hard with the 2 cost cards but against stronger cards with more MAX power levels, Turbo isn't going to win.

Its a shame the Turbo zords were never made into cards. In the show those things could move on their own without the Ranger's commands and looking like just ordinary cars they could fly and even fly into space.