Thursday, September 18, 2014

Digimon Fusion CCG - The Patamon Card

I hate this card. After watching more of the Digimon Fusion episodes now that they're on Netflix, I see when they used this card in the show, all it did was make clouds for the brats to walk on. It was not directed at attacking an enemy Digimon, all it did was make stairs.
Which our game it focuses strictly on Digimon Fusion. Why the hell does this card attack Digimon?  I don't like this card because its too similar to Impmon and cost 1 card to discard, while Impmon is free.
Patamon can't stop summons that come later in the turn such as all the additional summon effects off the new Shoutmon fusions we have because SUMMON step has already passed. Impmon lasts for the entire turn.

I've said it before what a lazy card just copying Impmon's effect.

For 1 cost card and sticking true to its stairs making effect from the show it could have put you above the competition and given you priority for the turn when you didn't have it.  Then you could have more reason to play this card if you want to get into Patamon wars with your opponent to steal priority from each other. Everytime someone activates a Patamon they'd also draw a card off of Puppetmon. Now giving you a reason to play Puppetmon too!

I think i will make a card like that myself.
Gaining priority is not broken at this point in the game when you now have auto win cards like Metalgreymon and Garurumon that kill off all the weak things for free and Karatenmon that kills all the strong things.

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