Turbo is that one series with the movie everyone wants to forget. Its the series where the Rangers were completely defeated by that series' villain. We don't have high expectations for Turbo being the only team to ever lose. Let's see what their cards can do.
The Guys
Pick your poison; each Turbo guy targets a different RPS symbol. The effect is pretty random. If you manage to reveal the correct RPS type from the top of your deck, you do deal 1 damage for free. Whereas the dreaded Samurai from series 1 starter deck do 1 damage but cost 1 to summon.
The Girls
[PLAYED] these go to the top of the deck.... oh.. the guys aren't so random now with the girls' help.
Green Ranger gets screwed over here, there is no PAPER symbol card that goes to the top of the deck.
Looks like Green Turbo Ranger is quite the dead draw. There are only 11 Turbo cards in the game, we just found out that Adam is a dead draw, why continue - just use 3 copies of all the other remaining Turbo cards lol. Well the girls set up a play where the guys always deal 1 damage upon summon. The wording of the girls summoning out the guys does mean you have to pay the cost of any card you summon. Obviously, the guys' cost is 0 but if effects were present in play that add to your summon costs like the Dino Thunder cards, you would have to pay 1 cost.
"you may play 1 TURBO Ranger'..
You don't have to play the guys!
Scout the field with the girls, send them to the top of the deck, and play any other Turbo ranger you desire.
Think about the RPS advantages you can gain here along with summoning something that can deal much more damage than the low cost cards.
Low on deck? Use a Pink Turbo to summon a Yellow, use the Yellow to play another pink. They all go to the top of the deck. Didn't know Turbo could heal did ya?
Great ways to ambush an opponent using the girls to scout first.
Only 2 cost?! You obviously went for RPS advantage. 8 damage for just 2 cost?!
Even without the girls, the effects of these cards target 2/3 of the RPS types, chances are you're going to get +1 damage most of the times you play these.
Talking fractions, there are only 10 main Turbo cards and again we see clone effects with just different RPS types. about 1/3 of the available Turbo cards are just this. One trick ponies pretty much.
Similar to the guys' effects, this card needs set up from the girls to not be so random.
If used correctly, why even roll the dice, you won this turn.
Only 3 damage? hah the 2 cost cards are a little bit better than this at times.
Not many cards are going to do enough damage through effects to set this card off. Mystic Force can do that but still if you activate this card, you are still taking the damage. What good is having a 3 in your Training Area if you take a huge hit.
Use the 2 cost cards to send this card to the Training Area.
Yes this card is a Turbo too!
What does it do? Nothing!
This is one of the weirdest cards in the game as you can lose if you roll a 6.
6 is not a MAX level LOL
If you're not going to play the girls that much, you can try adding more copies of this in your deck just to have more SCISSORS symbol cards to have greater odds of using Red Turbo Ranger's effect.
European/Unreleased cards...
Turbo would have had its first Extra Summon Step card...
Does it matter what it does? Just being able to change your RPS is a great option to have.
Turbo Megazord
[PLAYED][LOSE] You may discard a card at random from your hand or Training Area. Then deal the discarded card's damage to all opponents.
ALSO this card has a SHIELD ability Symbol not shown on the European card.
The girls only let this card deal 1 damage through it's effect. Is that what you want? Could be useful if you are using this effect on it's [LOSE] timing since you already are taking damage. Drawing a 2+ cost card is like conceding.
Phantom Ranger
[ASSIST] You may shuffle your deck. Then you may play the top card of your deck on top of this for 0 cost.
ALSO this card has:
Enhance: Ally Ability Symbol
LOL Turbo have no Ally Symbols. This card is begging to be put into other decks with more variety.
"Shuffle your deck" is a rare thing to see in this game. Previously seen on one Mystic Force card.
Phantom Ranger is obviously for taking your chances at summoning a high cost high damage output card for free. The only thing it shares in common with the other Turbo cards is the effect is pretty random too.
No stacking the deck with the girls or anything else, you have to shuffle the deck. Feeling lucky punk?
If you have the European prints of these cards you can play them as cards with no effects.
Turbo may try to be random with its effects but overall if you're Turbo's opponents you're going to be seeing all their tricks coming from a mile away. Turbo has no real Enhance cards, no cards to stop them from taking damage, no [HAND] timing cards. Everything they do is obvious.
Turbo can hit hard with the 2 cost cards but against stronger cards with more MAX power levels, Turbo isn't going to win.
Its a shame the Turbo zords were never made into cards. In the show those things could move on their own without the Ranger's commands and looking like just ordinary cars they could fly and even fly into space.