Thursday, December 26, 2013

Deck Profile: Megaforce Chibis, Battle of clones

 Megaforce Chibis! The commons you get from the Battle Ready Mini Figures set.
This collection of cards is one of the weirdest in the entire game as its full of cards that are almost exact copies of each other. They were able to get away with doing that by releasing a normal version of the ranger and then a transparent alternate figure to collect. The cards did have different numbers with which ever version you got and had different backgrounds on the art

Since all the cards have clone effects I will mostly show one of each card having a different effect.

Here's the basic 0 cost Ranger card. There are no other 0 cost Rangers in the chibi set other then these that move to the bottom of the deck and there is no Red Ranger card like these.
These cards are ok, don't play them on the first turn so that you don't waste their effect if you happen to win.
These are always good for picking up a Robo Knight that saved you last turn.

On to the one cost cards........ as you can see the Red Megaforce Ranger has 4 same copies... and also he is the only 1 cost card for the chibis.
The effect is very different from the rest of his team but it does have a very nice combo with the 2 cost cards. You also have shield here.

Robo Knight has 2-3? versions of this card.
His power levels are about the same as a 1 cost card other then he has a really higher lv5 of 350. Its ok and it has Shield but for the 2 cost, this card isn't one to put a lot of copies of in the deck.
His effect kind of has a wrong timing. Battling? Battling timing can be activated whenever you want, as soon as you are done paying the cost for this card, so you can kind of activate this card's effect even before you roll a Judgement. That's weird. 
This guy already ate up 3 cards in your hand to summon it, now it wants more cards out of your hand to use his effect. I don't recommend using his effect unless you're really winning and want to make sure you can afford to lose another card in your hand just to have more cards in your deck left then your opponent.
Possibly a last resort to try to use his effect to get MAX too but for 4 cards total you might as well try and summon a Megazord instead.

No effect! Really??
Use this card if you want to do more damage and of course change your RPS if you're not playing the Red Ranger already or something with Shield if you think you're gonna lose.
The 400 power level is weak but the rest of it is ok, its still a little less then other Megazords have.

1 cost higher and still no effect?!
DO NOT play this card.
It has the same RPS as the other Megazord, does the same amount of damage.
I will say this though, its 1210 is unique, it can beat other things that have 1200 power lol.

Now for some cards that are not released yet and these are really strong but selfish in their effects.
They are still clones but now in Ultra mode!

In series 3 of the blind bags you get the Ultra rangers. Blue and Red get a transparent figure, so another copy of their card too.
I call these cards selfish because they only work with other copies of themselves, any version yes, but they don't do anything for the other rangers. If you run other colors of rangers in your deck, your deck gets weaker. 
These cards are risky. 
First you have to pay 2 to summon them, thats a lot! and then you have to win the fight to use their effect ugh. But also for a 2 cost card, this only has 180 power on lv1, thats weak!
If you somehow won and still have a bunch of cards in your hand, congrats, now those cards all better be Blue Megaforce cards and prepare to discard them all to dish out massive damage.
I would take advantage of the +1 Damage even if you don't win by RPS because you get cards in the Training Area and that damage still adds up, for every 2 damage you do, your opponent has lost a turn of cards they could have drawn. Getting to do 4 damage would be a really nice hit. Even better if you do win by RPS, you would have done 8 damage from just playing this and discarding 2 cards.

Remember the 1 cost Red Ranger talking about the Training Area?
If you used one of these Ultra Rangers to fill the TA, he'd be able to use his effect and his effect wouldn't seem to impossible to use now.

Deck Building
If these Ultra Ranger cards were released, I would say fill your deck with only Red and Blue Rangers. There is not enough Red or enough Blue to have only 1 color. But you would have a good chance of activating the Ultra Rangers +1 Damage.
Maybe 1 Megazord to change your RPS if things get ugly.
Use the Red Ultra Ranger, send a bunch of cards to your Training Area. Then play down a 1 cost Red Ranger to use his effect of changing RPS to hit for 4 damage. He will most likely win his fight because your Training Area is full.
Play a few 0 cost Blue Rangers because some turns you might need to stall to build up your hand and you'll need those Blues of course because Blue doesn't have as many cards as Red does. He might even win and bring cards back to the bottom of your deck.

0 cost Blue Ranger
 P-008 x3
P-110 x3
1 cost Red Rangers
 P-005 x3
P-061 x3
P-087 x3
P-129 x3
Blue Ultra Rangers
P-143 x3
P-149 x3
Red Ultra Ranger
P-142 x3
P-148 x3
And thats 30 cards!

As for the chibis without using the Ultra Rangers...they are bad, good luck using them.

Ahaha and here's the Villain that ruins the Megaforce chibi's combinations

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