Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Deck Profile - We need chibi power now!

Alpha, Rita's escaped, recruit a team of adorable chibis with attitude

You want to start off with this card in your hand. He will get his effect by just having thrown away a Mighty Morphin card to pay his cost. Allowing you to hit hard on turn 1 for 3 damage!
Try to throw away a Megazord card or any other high damage card for a later combination with other Mighty Morphin cards.

Unlike the Green Ranger, these guys should not be played on the first turn because you will not have a Mighty Morphin card in the Discard Area and you would only be doing 1 damage. Save them for at least the 2nd turn . As 0 cost cards they are good to stall with while you build up your hand for a bigger move, while also doing enough damage as a typical 1 cost cards. These guys are strong for their cost.

These are more cards that should not be played on the first turn so that you can either activate their effects or fake out your opponent into thinking you’re playing a Megazord this turn.
Mighty Morphin do not have Zord cards yet, it will be obvious you’re playing a Megazord but the card doesn’t say you have to play a Mighty Morphin card, you can play any Zord or Megazord such as a Megaforce one to recycle a few cards back into your deck.

The chibi cards have very few options on what they should play on the first turn. Alpha would be a fine card to summon. His 0 cost would allow you to keep your hand size up and at the same time scout the opponent’s plays while staying safe behind his shield ability. If Alpha happens to get his Max, that’s a lot damage dealt for having payed nothing to summon him. On the first turn it will be impossible for your opponent to play any Megazord cards.
You can also play an Alpha card on the turn you know you want to summon a Megazord so you can force your opponent into a tough fight, your Megazord vs. their little Ranger, who do you think is going to win that fight.

On a final note about Alpha. On the ‘final’ turn of the game when your opponent has many cards in their hand and you know they’re going to play a Megazord as their finishing move, such as the Battle Mode Dragon Megazord who gets all his powers as Max, you can interrupt their big finish by forcing them to only play Rangers or Zords for the turn. You bet, they’re going to hate having their Megazord blocked.

Onto the friendly rivalry of the team. Jason being outfitted with the Green Ranger’s shield and his dagger, and the White Ranger Tommy here to be the new leader of the Power Rangers.
Both of these guys have no trouble winning fights with their multiple MAX levels.

The Red Ranger receives more of a boost from cards in the Training Area, almost giving them the Ally symbol the other cards are missing in this chibi set. If your Alpha lost on the previous turn, his assist would be worth 3! Or if the White Ranger was taken down and he’s used for assisting, with his Ally symbol and the Red Ranger’s effect, his total assist value is 4! Rolling a 1 will be no problem if you have the White Ranger to assist you to MAX.

The Red Ranger sounds really impressive but now its time to meet the new leader, the White Ranger.
He has his own ways of getting to MAX too. Before you summon him, you want to make sure you have 1 Green or White Ranger in your hand so you can use it as payment and you want to leave that card on top of the Discard Area when you’re done paying the cost. Throw away a Green Ranger chibi and he’d give you 2 assist almost for free instead of just staying in the Discard. But even better, instead throw away a same White Ranger card so you can use its Ally symbol and assist for 3.
The Red Ranger is definitely a come back card for when you lost the previous turn. The White Ranger is for a sneak attack while your opponent thinks you have no Training Area. Either one you choose, they are both team mates and ready to help one another.

We need Megazord power now!
Here’s the Dino Megazord with his sword already drawn, he’s not playing around.
Its hard to choose which Megazord to talk about first since they both work so well with each other.

The Dino Megazord is just for hitting hard, it doesn’t really have an effect the first time you play it and its power levels are kind of low compared to other Megazords but it should have no problem in a fight where you played Alpha and locked your opponent from playing a Megazord.
If somehow you lose the fight, this Megazord has a very unique effect, he can rise from the Training Area and fight again next turn for no cost! You don’t even have to play a Ranger down first. 

The combined powers of the Dino Megazord and Dragon Zord form the Battle Mode Dragon Megazord!
This is the hand cost card out of the chibi set so I saved it for last. 

The first few power levels are a little weak and comparable to some Zord cards or even some really strong Villain cards. When you get to the 700 power and higher, now you’re talking Megazord levels. 
The high cost of this card is more then made up for with being able to get 2 cards into your Training Area! C’mon, you’re gonna win this turn’s fight if you get that many boosts for free.
Now we come back to the Green Ranger card, the card I said you should play on the first turn. With him having had prepared a high damage card in the Discard Area, you’d have a 3-4 assist off just one card and still have another card to assist with.
You can put multiple Dino Megazord in your Training Area and then for 2 more turns later, be playing Megazords for free! It doesn’t matter if you use up your entire hand setting up this combo, during those turns of playing free Megazords, you are getting 4 draws and then 2 more again on the turn you run out of Megazords but you most likely would have won already with that kind of power.

Don’t forget the 0 cost Rangers that would reduce the cost for you to summon this thing.

Deck Building
There are 11 chibi cards, you should play 3 of most of them and leave out a copy of each of the Blue, Pink and Yellow Rangers as you won't be using their effects so much.

That’s pretty much it, may you have fun with your Chibi cards and surprise those you play against by showing off the strong bond the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers have.

Now go and beat up this guy. Just not with your Megazords, lol.

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